Pre-Schools     Tots/Junior/Pre-K Prep'

Ivy League Academy provides excellent curriculum based full-time and part-time preschool program for children of ages 2 to 4 years old. Our preschool program provides the structure, content and care at this early childhood stage to lay a strong foundation for the future years. Key foundational areas focused by our curriculum includes, physical, emotional & social, learning, language and cognitive development skills. We strongly encourage individuality and provide individual attention.

We have three age appropriate preschools, namely, Tots (2-2.5 years), Junior (2.5-3 years) and Pre-K Prep (3-4 years). Pre-K Prep is an outstanding 6.5 hrs/day preschool that provides an advanced educational foundation to children who will be attending Pre-K in the subsequent academic year. The classroom has a qualified lead and an assistant teacher. Over and above a great curriculum, field trips and special activities, our children also work on Computer Center, Kumon® and Scholastics® workbooks.

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Pre-K Prep Salient Features

  • 6.5 hours of instructional time, from 8AM to 2:30PM
  • Schedule to follow Forsyth County school calendar
  • Kumon® and Scholastic® workbooks will be provided to each child
  • Weekly lesson plans and classroom newsletters
  • Spanish Lessons
  • No TV in the classroom, unless required for curricular activities
  • Lunch, field trips and special activities is included in the fee
  • Two parent conferences, one in fall and the other in spring
  • Each child's progress and work sample will be maintained in a folder
  • Qualified lead teacher with degree and experience

Pre-K Prep Suggested Field Trips

  • Fire Station
  • Grocery Shopping
  • Visit A Vet
  • Papa Johns Pizza
  • Pumpkin Patch
  • Library
  • INK (Interactive Neighborhood for Kids) Museum
  • High Tower Nature Trail
  • Dairy Farm
  • Home Depot

Pre-K Prep Suggested Special Activities

  • Dental Hygiene
  • Stranger Danger
  • Super Dog ASPCA
  • Holiday Musical
  • Recycling
  • Graduation Party

We believe a tour of our center will clearly differentiate our experience, expertise, quality and personal touch from all others! Though most of the parents who come to Ivy League Academy have been referred by friends or family, we will be glad to arrange further references if required.

Teacher & Classroom
Our lead teachers are very experienced in caring, teaching and providing the perfect environment for children to blossom. They are CPR certified and attend at least 10 hours of early childhood training every year. All classrooms follow a schedule that incorporates curriculum and at the same time provides plenty of latitude for individual care and development. Each week/month begins with a new lesson plan that focuses on appropriate development areas. Lead teachers provide daily and regular updates on progress or other related issues. Classrooms are extra large and further designed to provide a stimulating learning environment. They are also richly decorated by art and other class work of our children.

Development Philosophy
Ivy League Academy provides excellent and comprehensive preschool programs for children to build on key foundation blocks such as physical development, social and emotional development, approaches to learning, language and literacy development and lastly cognitive development. Each area within these building blocks that are focused by our curriculum is mentioned below.

Physical development is typically rapid in this age group and they happen in spurts and also follow a natural sequence. Key focus areas in this category of development provided by our program are as following.

  1. Gross Motor Skills is a focus area where a child is encouraged to control body movement, demonstrate coordination and balance, and lastly expresses creativity through movement.
  2. Fine Motor Skills, details hand and finger control and show hand-eye coordination.
  3. Self Help Skills focuses on how a child is encouraged to acquire abilities such as personal hygiene, dressing and feeding.
  4. Health and Safety Skills introduces a child to safety instruction, personal health, identification and food choices.
Emotional & social development development is one of the most important building blocks and is an integral part of the foundation. Key focus areas in this category of development provided by our program are as following.

  1. Personal Relationships with adults, where a child shows feelings of trust and security and depends on them as source learning.
  2. Personal relationship with peers, where a child is taught to demonstrate social skills and show sensitivity to peers.
  3. Self awareness is about teaching a child to show behavior that reflects awareness of oneself and self confidence.
  4. Self control is an area where a child is encouraged to demonstrate how to regulate emotions and behavior. It also about following routines and social rules in a group setting.
  5. Self expression focuses on encouraging children to express creativity through art and music, and also the ability to demonstrate imagination through dramatic play.
Approaches to Learning focuses on the learning aspects of children learn. This includes how children learn the skills, concepts and behaviors in all of the areas.

  1. Learning approaches focuses on children to exhibit curiosity and show persistence and looks for creative solutions to problems.
Language and literacy development covers a wide range of skills and behavior, and the key areas in this development include:
  1. Receptive language is a focus area where children learn how to respond to spoken words and follows directions and requests.
  2. Expressive language details how a child communicates nonverbally, demonstrates oral language skills in social situation and for creative expression.
  3. Foundation for reading establishes early reading skills.
  4. Foundation for writing establishes early writing skills.
Cognitive development is the domain that focuses on thinking and processing information which is critical to learning. Children begin the process of learning through exploration and play. The key focus areas in this development include:
  1. Foundation for mathematical reasoning and logical thinking focuses on identifying basic shapes, colors, number concepts, measurement concepts, sorting, pattern matching and solve simple mathematical problems.
  2. Early scientific inquiry skills, is an area where children learn from their environment and use language to communicate and ask further questions. It is also about experimenting using simple tools and learning from this experience.
  3. Foundation for social studies is a focus area where children learn family roles, personal relationships, communities, places and locations. While learning, they also recognize individual preferences and differences.

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